
Digital Marketing- Tools, Trends & Technologies

Maharishi School of Commerce & Management organized a Seminar on “Digital Marketing- Tools, Trends & Technologies” on 13th May 2023, in MUIT Lucknow Campus auditorium. The Invited Speakers for the Seminar were Mr. Asit Pathak and Ms. Preeti Kumar (Directors, Digipodium, Lucknow).May 13, 2023

The seminar started with lam lighting and puja followed by opening remarks by Dean Academics (Lucknow Campus) Dr. Sapan Asthana. The Invited speakers spoke in detail about the importance and relevance of Digital Marketing in today’s era. They also enlightened the students with career opportunities in the field of digital marketing. The major topics covered were: Google Analytics, Digital Marketing tools, Google Trend & Google Ads. They also conducted Q&A Session for the students.