
Workshop On “Design Thinking and Innovation”



“Design Thinking and Innovation”

Date, Day & Time      : 03th Sep 2024, Tuesday & 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Guest Speaker            : Mrs. Disha Kaushal, Design Thinking Expert, TinkerLabs, Mumbai

Organized by              : Maharishi Industry Relation Cell, MUIT Lucknow Campus, jointly with Times of India and Samsung                                

The workshop aimed to immerse the students in the principles of design thinking and highlight the role of advanced technologies in fostering creativity and innovation. The session focused on demonstrating how Samsung and Intel technologies drive innovation and enhance problem-solving approaches. By exploring the integration of these technologies with design thinking, students were provided with insights into their application for real-world problem solving.

The workshop began promptly at 10:30 AM, with felicitation and introduction of Guest Speaker Mrs. Disha Kaushal. Angvastra & memento was presented by Dr Neeraj Jain (Dean Academics) along with Dr Kalyan Acharjya (Dy. Dean Academics), Mr. Puneet Pandey (MIIF Incharge) and Mr. Kaustubh Misra (T&P Coordinator).

Mrs Kaushal’s presentation combined theoretical insights with practical demonstrations, providing a comprehensive view of how design thinking and technology intersect the concept of design thinking with emphasis on its importance in developing user-centered solutions. She explained the five key stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test, which are crucial for effective problem-solving and innovation.

The workshop included brainstorming session to go through a problem and identify the best AI-enabled solution. Solutions were received from students and first, second, and third places were awarded to Ms. Soma Tiwari (B. Tech CSE, I Sem), Mr. Vageesh Kumar Singh (MCA III Sem), and Ms. Isha Maurya (BCA III Sem), respectively. These students were given a certificate and Samsung redeem gift vouchers worth Rs 2000. All the other participating students received a certificate of participation. The workshop was attended by 150 students of various streams of engineering programs. 

The Design Thinking Workshop successfully achieved its objectives by bridging the gap between creativity and technology. MIRC is very thankful to Honorable VC, Dean Academics, Dy Dean Academics for motivation and support throughout planning and execution of the event.  The MIRC heartily thanks the resource persons and team of TOI and Samsung, all the nonteaching staff, IT team of MUIT and others who directly or indirectly contributed for the success of the event.