
Report- “Educational visit to CSIR – Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow”

Maharishi University of Information Technology

Report- “Educational visit to CSIR – Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow”

Campus                :    Lucknow
Date, Day & Time        :     26th Sept. 2024, Thursday & 08:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Organized by            :    Jointly Maharishi Industry Relation Cell & Maharishi School of   Pharmaceutical Sciences                 
Venue                :    CSIR -CDRI Lucknow
Objective of the event        :    To increase positive attitude towards research and development.
Faculty coordinators        :    Mr. Vipin Kesharwani, Mr. Akash Singh, Mrs. Pranki Shukla


A field visit was jointly organized by Maharishi School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Maharishi Industry Relation Cell (MIRC) on 26 Sep. 2024, at 08:30 AM for B. Pharm 4th Year students as a part of their curriculum.

This educational visit could take place by blessing of Hon’ble Chancellor Shri Ajay Prakash Srivastava, Vice Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Bhanu Pratap Singh & Registrar Dr. Girish Chhimwal. MIRC & Maharishi School of Pharmaceutical Sciences jointly organized an educational visit to CSIR-CDRI Lucknow for B. Pharm 4th Year students.

Before the departure of students from Maharishi School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lucknow campus, Dean Academics Dr. Neeraj Jain, Dr. Shikhar Verma (Dean, Maharishi School of Pharmaceutical Sciences) & Dr. Prakash Deep (Dy. Dean, Maharishi School of Pharmaceutical Sciences addressed and motivated the students about innovative learning during the visit to sophisticated CSIR-CDRI Labs. The visit was well conducted under the supervision of Assistant Professor Mr. Vipin Kesharwani, MSOPS and Mr. Kaustubh Misra (T & P Coordinator). MIRC is also thankful to all above mention dignitaries for their valuable and continuous support.


At CSIR-CDRI, we were received by Dr Sanjeev Yadav. (Senior Scientist & Coordinator Skill Development Program CSIR-CDRI Lucknow) and then a knowledgeable visit was smoothly conducted under his guidance. He also provided two persons Dr. Rahul and Dr. Nisha from CDRI who guided us to different divisions. Students visited Pharmaceutics Research Lab, Pharmacology and Toxicology Research Lab, Medicinal Chemistry Research Lab, Molecular and Biochemistry Research Lab, Pharmacognosy Research Lab and Animals house, they saw different instruments like HPTLC, HPLC, U.V. spectrophotometer, advanced technique of microscopy, SEM, TEM, rotary evaporators, protein isolation apparatus and collection of crude drugs etc. and got the glimpses of handling of the same.  The refreshment was provided to the students and faculty members.


The educational visit was successfully conducted on 26th Sep. 2024 by Maharishi School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Lucknow Campus. This visit enhanced the knowledge of current research and methodology of students. They saw the advanced equipment and research facilities. The students were made aware of new horizon of drug development at global level. Students had shown their curiosity towards advancement in drug discovery by asking questions.  The aim of this visit was to increase positive attitude towards research and development, was fulfilled. This visit was successful and propelled a sense of                             motivation and interest in future scientists. Overall, the field visit to the CSIR-CDRI provided the B. Pharm 4th students, a comprehensive understanding of various aspects related to Durg discovery and development. The valuable insights gained through this visit will undoubtedly contribute to their academic and professional growth.