Founded by
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
7 Days Faculty Development Program on “Contemporary and Innovative Pedagogy & Essential Skills for Educators” was organized by MUIT Lucknow Campus in online mode from 24th July to 31st July 2023.
The world witnessed disruptive changes in 21st century, leading to paradigm shift especially in education sector; and educators are at the forefront of this ongoing transformation. With the implementation of NEP 2020 and ongoing National Research Foundation, accompanied by advancements in AI & other technologies, it becomes imperative for us to continuously evolve our teaching pedagogy to meet the demands of the ever-changing market. The objective of this FDP program was to update the educators on these requirements and the associated skills. To fulfill this objective, the FDP was designed such as to include a wide range of themes, with the primary goal of empowering participants and enhancing teaching processes to align with the new vision and the latest technological tools; which was achieved by the valuable contribution of expert speakers from diverse fields for the technical sessions.
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