
CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CSIR-CIMAP), Lucknow

On 6th June 2023, an educational visit to CSIR–CIMAP, Lucknow was organized by Maharishi School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MUIT Lucknow Campus for the students of D. Pharm I & II year.

Before the departure of the students from the campus, Dean Academics (Lucknow Campus), Dr. Sapan Asthana, Dean- MSOPS (Dr. Shikhar Verma) & Deputy Dean-MSOPS (Mr. Prakash Deep) addressed and motivated the students about innovative learning during the visit of reputed CSIR Labs. The tour was well conducted under the supervision of our faculty coordinators.

At CSIR-CIMAP, our team reported to Dr. Ramesh Kumar Srivastava (Principal Scientist, CSIR-CIMAP) and a knowledgeable visit was smoothly conducted under his guidance. During the tour, the students visited different labs of multiple specialties equipped with high end equipments, essential oil extraction unit, Pharmacology lab (including animal house), an amazing Herbal garden having numerous medicinal species, Swasthya Upvan etc.