Semester I
Diversity of Invertebrates
Practical: Diversity of Invertebrates
Microbiology, Mycology and Plant Pathology
Inorganic Chemistry I: Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
Fundamentals of Biotechnology
General English – I
Environmental Science
Semester II
Diversity of Vertebrates
Practical: Diversity of Vertebrates
Life and Diversity of Archegoniates-1
Physical Chemistry I: States of Matter and Ionic Equilibrium
Biochemistry and Metabolism
Communication skills -I
Food, Hygiene and Health
Semester III
Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
Animal Physiology
Practical: Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates and Animal Physiology
Life and Diversity of Archegoniates-2
Organic Chemistry I: Basics and Hydrocarbons
Introductive Microbiology
General English – II
Semester IV
Cell Biology and Biochemistry
Genetics and Molecular Biology
Practical: Cytogenetics, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Plant Architecture-1
Organic Chemistry II- Oxygen Containing Functional Groups
Elementary Cell and Molecular Biology
Communication skills-II
Practical: Aquaculture
Semester V
Endocrinology and Immunology
Animal Behaviour and Chronobiology
Biostatistics and Computational Biology
Practical: Endocrinology and Immunology
Practical: Chronobiology, Biostatistics and Computational Biology
Plant Architecture- 2
Organic Chemistry III: Coordination Chemistry
Food Biotechnology
Semester VI
Evolutionary Biology and Taxonomy
Developmental Biology
Ecology and Environmental Biology
Practical: Developmental and Evolutionary Biology
Practical: Ecology and Environmental Biology
Taxonomy, Economic Botany and Ethnobotany
Organic Chemistry IV: Biomolecule
Animal Biotechnology
Semester VII
Applied and Economic Zoology
Wildlife Management and Conservation Biology
Practical: Toxicology and Conservation Biology
Practical: Applied and Economic Zoology
Biosafety, IPR and Bioethics
Semester VII
Research Methodology
Dissertation/ Major Project